Wednesday, 25 January 2012

The season is nearly over

So once again another season draws to a close. Having spoken to the gamekeeper last night, he assures me that we will have enough pheasants for Saturday's 'knock around'. I certainly hope so as the landlady of The Bull wants three brace for her game casserole next week. Lets hope that this time she removes the feathers...
I am due to host a drinks evening for the local hunt next week which is all very well in theory but this season seems to have attracted several less savoury types amongst the usual throng. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against people wishing to join in with a days hunting but I really do wish they would dress for the occasion and not as though they were hacking out with their mates. Having said that, I can't complain at the sight which greeted me the other morning as I went to see the hunt off at the pub and was met with a young girl, probably no more than in her early thirties, bending over to pick out her horses feet and her top button was undone and the view was incredible.
I had to keep moving round her horse, ensuring that he did not move while she did all four feet.
Well, somebody had to keep a look-out...

I have been told that the local parish council are looking into the possibility of extending the graveyard beside the local church. This means that within a short space of time, I will no doubt be subject to a visit from those snivelling bunch of inbreds on the council who will want me to donate another chunk of land for 'the good of the parish'. They will undoubtedly try to convince me that in doing so, I will be guaranteed a plot in which to be buried as if this is some kind of deal breaker. The truth is I couldn't care less whether they bury me, flash me up on a bonfire or dump me in a muck heap, I'll not know anything about it.
Anyway, I will soon be graced with a visit from the members of the parish council and I will give them enough time to start their inevitable prattle before I tell them to get knotted, that is of course unless they want to discuss how they can help me with a little project in the future.

Right, I had better get ready as I am off out this evening to discuss the possible purchase of a small cottage on the outside of the village. It's a quaint little place, thatched roof, rose garden etc. However, it is stood on a nice sized plot and if it is levelled it will allow room for a pair of three bedroom houses with ample parking and gardens.
Well, what do I want with an old draughty cottage ?
