Friday, 27 January 2012

A quick sniff

Last night I was expecting a visit from one of the guns to discuss the final preparations for the end of season meal on Saturday but he was unable to attend due to an attack of gout so instead he sent his daughter to finalise things. I was most surprised to see this tall, leggy blonde at my door and at first I thought she must have broken down or was lost, however she introduced herself and I soon concluded that we would be far better off discussing Saturday night's event in a more relaxed atmosphere so I took her out for a meal at a very nice restaurant that I know - well, it seemed like too good an opportunity to miss. She seemed rather keen when I suggested a re-match in the near future so maybe I'll get to see if she does a turn...

When we left the restaurant, I found a flyer had been placed under my wiper blade which I was about to discard when I noticed that it was advertising a live band who were playing at The Bull tonight. It was the lead singer who caught my eye as I recognised him from a few years back. They called him Col as I remember and it was rumoured that he had a reputation for sleeping with the groupies that followed him around from gig to gig. He disappeared for a while after he was caught by the father of one of the groupies as he emerged from the boot of his Vauxhall Cavalier estate, having spent the night snuggled up with the unsuspecting music supporter.
Having said that I don't think it did the lad any harm and his father soon forgave him once Col had vanished.

I need to go and order some more port as Lumpkin is due to come over this evening and will no doubt empty my decanter. That's typical of Lumpkin, you don't see him for several months and then you'll see him for several nights on the trot - mainly when he realises that you keep a good cellar.
He did seem to indicate however that he had dug a bit of dirt on the Bishop which is always a good card to have up ones sleeve. True, the Bishop may be a man of the cloth but as with everything connected with the church, he is not to be trusted and always has a hidden agenda.
Mind you, I doubt I'll have much trouble from him for a while since I caught him sniffing Dylan's knickers...

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